Friday, August 1, 2008

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony

Use them at the right moment and there are few things that can match the awesomeness of 'One Liners'. Here are few cool ones I stumbled across while reading manga (and a few by me) ....

From one generation to the next ..... the following one will continue to surpass the previous [Naruto]

the betrayal that you see is trivial...What is truly fearsome, is the betrayal you dont see...[Bleach]

Everything proceeded just as expected… to the worst outcome... [Bleach]

Fighting death till death will only result in his victory...[Neo*]

I have no regrets in being the last in the least if I stop for a while I will no longer be a part of the crowd [Neo*]

*Neo here refers to Me , Myself and only Me

July 29th 2008...

I had been waiting for this thing not to happen for a little more than 4 years now. Nevertheless it happened. And it hurt...Really deep down in the heart. To an extent that for a second I feared if the pain was for real.
I really wished for once that my fears were for true.
But what I had thought would happen with a bang, was nothing more than few subdued vocal and silent moments. I would have loved a bang rather. Even though it has been more than 10 years since i last burnt a cracker in diwali, I still love the sound.

That brings back to me sweet memories of my school and my Guruji. He asked me to not to burn crackers, I humbly nodded in agreement. He asked not to eat meat , so be it. No tea , no problem. I just used to follow his words without giving a second thought to what might his hidden agenda be. Any way my parents were happy. No tea, meat and crackers meant their boy was becoming less and less expensive to maintain.

After all the zigzags, am pretty much still the same. Still no tea( yuck), meat (rights ), crackers ( earth) and less expensive ( compulsion).