This is about our web going beyond social a.k.a personal (for all practical purposes , intruding our private sphere). I don't advocate it but its going to happen nevertheless, so I thought let me already start putting in some ideas
There has been this feature, I have always wanted Google to add to its portfolio. This is for those times when we really want to say something to some one ( can be as difficult as 'sorry' or as simple as 'hi') but we simply run out of words when we start on it.
Logic is excruciatingly simple. Lets take a simple Alice-Bob example. Track if Alice is trying to attempt too many conversation with Bob. But every single time she either discards the message, close the chat window, or the mail goes in draft.
If the above is true, just drop a message to Bob saying that that Alice really wants to talk to you.
This simple gesture I believe has the potential clear many many misunderstandings, that simply wouldn't be if one can push oneself and speak out.
*those who are thinking about this being invasion on our privacy give me break, this is Google i am talking about
There has been this feature, I have always wanted Google to add to its portfolio. This is for those times when we really want to say something to some one ( can be as difficult as 'sorry' or as simple as 'hi') but we simply run out of words when we start on it.
Logic is excruciatingly simple. Lets take a simple Alice-Bob example. Track if Alice is trying to attempt too many conversation with Bob. But every single time she either discards the message, close the chat window, or the mail goes in draft.
If the above is true, just drop a message to Bob saying that that Alice really wants to talk to you.
This simple gesture I believe has the potential clear many many misunderstandings, that simply wouldn't be if one can push oneself and speak out.
*those who are thinking about this being invasion on our privacy give me break, this is Google i am talking about