Friday, August 1, 2008

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony

Use them at the right moment and there are few things that can match the awesomeness of 'One Liners'. Here are few cool ones I stumbled across while reading manga (and a few by me) ....

From one generation to the next ..... the following one will continue to surpass the previous [Naruto]

the betrayal that you see is trivial...What is truly fearsome, is the betrayal you dont see...[Bleach]

Everything proceeded just as expected… to the worst outcome... [Bleach]

Fighting death till death will only result in his victory...[Neo*]

I have no regrets in being the last in the least if I stop for a while I will no longer be a part of the crowd [Neo*]

*Neo here refers to Me , Myself and only Me

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